Economist Impact Conference: FUTURE OF HEALTH EUROPE

October 12, 2023

It was an honor to be invited by the Economist Impact team to speak at the Future of Health Europe Conference in a fantastic venue: The Royal College of Physicians in Regents Park, London.

We took part in a panel entitled "Designing sustainable and resilient health systems for the future" moderated by Graham Cookson, Ceo of the Office of Health Economics.

The other speakers were :

Dr. Ali Hasan, Vitality

Frances Mortimer, Center for Sustainable Healthcare

Bjoern von Siemens, Caresyntax

Nicolas Gonzalez, European Parliament

We adopted a very pragmatic stance by stating that healthcare organizations have an enormous potential to improve and thus prosper, by simply focusing on improving their efficiency and performance. In our experience, this is possible just by applying a truly participative and effective change management approach and does not require investment or technology.

Sincere congratulations to the Economist Impact team for organizing such a high level and inspiring event. Particularly noteworthy was the presence of representatives of the WHO, EU Parliament and Commission, Ministries of Health,NHS as well as academic and research institutions.

Finally, it was a great opportunity to meet up with fellow members of The UK International Healthcare Management Association (UKIHMA)

Andy Ward

Muhammed Akdag

Sophie Lansbury

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