Boost travels with the Centre François Baclesse to Vietnam to meet its partners!

July 1, 2022

We would like to express our profound gratitude to the executive management team of the François Baclesse Center for trusting and asking us to accompany them on this strategic visit to our Vietnamese partners: The Vietnam National Cancer Hospital (Hospital K) and the T&T Group.

The delegation was made up of Professor Marc-André Mahé, Professor Jean-Louis HABRAND, Doctor Carine Segura-Djezzar and Hermeline Delepouve
What we are building in Vietnam are long lasting "win-win" partnerships which will open up, previously unforeseen, horizons for all of us.

In the short term we will:

1) Put in place reciprocal exchanges of resources (doctors, technicians, nurses...) for training and acquisition of new skills.
2) Continue and further expand joint Tumor Boards (RCP - réunion de concertation pluridisciplinaire) (Breast, Digestive...)
3) Provide remote second opinions to patients who require it.
4) Identify areas in which research can be carried out jointly
5) Support efforts in the domains of screening, detection and treatment
6) Provide expertise in the fields of radiotherapy, genetics, protontherapy as well as consulting services

We are very eager to host our new partners in Caen as soon as possible so that we can familiarize them with the François Baclesse teams and facilities as well as return part of the wonderful hospitality they provided during our visit.

Even though it is an incredible coincidence that both institutions will be celebrating their centenary in 2023! = Two centuries of combined know-how in the fight against cancer!! It is also a very good omen and timing as we launch our internationalisation project on the eve of the second century of existence of these highly reputable hospitals.

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